Pardoe.Net Meteo Pages

Page updated 12. April 2021 (link to the old Acton Bridge Website archive - other archived pages from the old Acton Bridge Website, formerly managed by Steve P, remain available here).

After 12 years of recording and placing our meteorological data on line, we have had to retire the Davis VP2 Weather Station owing to a relocation. We're sorry that we were not able to complete Calendar 2020; October is our final recorded month.

On-site links to our recording pages :-

Monthly Chart of rainfall and temperature to October 2020, and commentary for previous months and years back to 2008 ;


Monthly Statistics of rainfall and temperature from 2008 to October 2020

Archived pages from the old Acton Bridge Website, formerly managed by Steve P, remain available here.
Website ©
Steve & Judy Pardoe
Cheshire,   England
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