Welcome to Acton Bridge
Acton Bridge Community Association

This section of the ActonBridge.Org website is devoted to ABCA News and Events

Parish Rooms Edition of 17. August 2020

The Parish Rooms are run by a management committee for the Acton Bridge Community Association, which is a charitable trust.

Acton Bridge Parish Rooms
Hill Top Road
Acton Bridge
Northwich Cheshire CW8 3RA

For more information about hiring the Parish Rooms, please follow this link.

Click here to download the Certificate

News and Coming Events [from Peter Hurst]

ABCA is pleased to announce the re-opening of the Parish Rooms on 31st August 2020. Bowls and Tennis activities have been played for some time now, but the opening of our Parish Rooms means that our 15 User groups and the Pre-school can use our facilities, as well as private groups for weekend parties/celebrations.

We have spent the last six weeks applying government and local community guidelines to our particular situation, taking on board the requirements for social distancing, cleaning, limited access, and putting in place measures to keep people safe. Our activities are defined in a COVID-19 Risk Assessment Plan, which has been circulated to our User groups, and is available in the section below, so that private hirers and our local community can see the measures which have been taken. We ask that every user to the Parish rooms observes and respects these.

The next issue of ABCA news will be published in early September.

The 300 Club lottery will be held this year, and we ask you for your support. As we have received no rental income since March, this will be our only fund-raising activity this year. The sale of shares this year will be different, because of the need to minimise social interaction at the doorstep, and also many of you are reluctant to purchase your shares by handling cash. Shortly every household in Acton Bridge will receive a Share Form, and we would kindly ask you to contribute by purchasing a share (you can even buy more than 1!). Once completed, the form can be returned to our lottery promoter, Bob Holt, our Parish Council Chairman. Payment can be made via BACS /on-line banking, or by enclosing a cheque/cash with your completed Share Form, if you prefer this method of payment. Our prize distribution is as in previous years. We distribute in prizes 50% of the Share proceeds, the maximum. So, if our share sale is spectacularly successful, which we hope it will be, each month from October to Christmas we should be distributing some bumper prizes! We need your support. Thank you.

ABCA News and Reports

The ABCA COVID-19 Risk Assessment Plan is available for you. Please click here to download it as a PDF.

The Summer 2020 Acton Bridge Newsletter, edited by Keira Egerton, is now on-line; please click here to download it as a Colour PDF (14MB). The May, August and November 2019, and February 2020 Acton Bridge Newsletters are still available on-line, please click to download the editions for February 2020; November 2019; August 2019; and May 2019 as black-and-white PDFs.

The ABCA Trustees' Report for the 2020 AGM is available on-line; please click here to download it.

Past Events and Photo gallery

ABCA's recent social events are listed below. Enjoy the photos.

Links to the ABCA Photo Gallery Page and Murder on the Titanic, a murder mystery play!

Contacts and links

Acton Bridge Bowls Club
Acton Bridge Tennis Club

Many other organisations in the village use the Parish Rooms; see their web sites for their programmes, the links are in the Site Directory and Links pages on this website, or view the Acton Bridge Facebook group.

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